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This video is about how you employ data from Business Intelligence for your Marketing Strategy

Marketing Strategy and Value Propositions

From your business inetlligence process you have hopefully learned a lot or maybe been assured that you know it all already.

Before that we proceed let us make sure that we try  to keep it as simple as possible.

How do you then use data obtained from business intelligence to get make a fresh marketing strategy or tweak you existing marekting strategy?

First you need to define your value propositions. To some it may sound like a fluffy marketing term and a few years ago everybody spoke a about USPs in sales and marketing. Now it is more “value propositions”. Termonology changes and it is not  so important what you call it as long as you remember to analyze. Here we call it value propositions or just “value props” in slang. Defining value propositions is really something useful to do.

Defining value propositions can be done in many ways but let us keep it simple: Make three bullets of what you are really good at compared to your competition!

How are you different?

What do you do better?

After value propositions then the  next thing is maybe strategic price setting

Online marketing strategy, video, podcast, LinkedIn, Facebook

Are you going to target a key opinon leader (KOL) and how do you want to do this?

Are there any obvious business partners or meetings you should attend?

These are some of the things that I would recommend you to assess.

I am all for keeping it simple but it is all a learning process maturing your marketing strategy!